The Daring Twin Read online Donna Fletcher (Twin Series #1)

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Twin Series Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 91636 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 458(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 305(@300wpm)

“I did not think they would desert him.”

“They could be waiting for a reinforcement of warriors,” Kirk suggested.

Fiona offered her opinion. “Or waiting for the injured to heal and see what they can find out about their leader.”

“His dead body will be returned to them,” Tarr clarified.

“If he should survive his wounds, what then?” Kirk asked.

Tarr shrugged. “It matters not, for his fate remains the same.”

“Will you not question him first? Learn what you can? Learn why he attacked you?” Fiona sounded as though she disputed his decision.

“Raynor will answer many questions before he meets his fate, though his answers will not change his destiny,” Tarr answered confidently. “His capture will, however, end the senseless dispute that has raged between our clans.”

Fiona thought of the man Aliss now healed only to die. Her sister would not be happy with the decision and might very well put herself in danger to help Raynor. She fought hard to save the ill and wounded, and saw only senselessness in executions and torture. Fiona did not always agree with her sister’s opinion, since there were those she felt deserved the hangman’s noose.

“Do what you must,” Fiona said, appearing unconcerned. “I will leave you to discuss the matter.” She did not rush off, though she wished to dash to the keep and alert Aliss to the pending problem. She strolled as if enjoying the day and the sights of an active, thriving village. With measured steps she entered the keep and, once inside, made a dash for the stairs.

“It is difficult to judge her character,” Kirk said, turning to Tarr as the twin entered the keep. “She appears headstrong and demanding one moment and then sweet and pleasant the next.”

“They wish to keep me puzzled.”

“I think they are succeeding.” Kirk coughed away a laugh. “The mighty Tarr has been duped.”

“You know me not if you think that, my friend.”

Kirk wisely let it be and returned to the previous matter at hand. “You will question Raynor if possible, will you not?”

“Aye, I want to know if I had been his intended target or was I merely in his way? I hope to have the chance to ask him.”

“Then his fate has yet to be settled? Yet you told the twin—”

“What I wish her to know. His answers will seal his fate, so let us hope he wakes and answers to my satisfaction.”

Chapter 7

Fiona sat on the steps of the keep bored to death. In the last two days, she had done nothing but trade places with her sister to keep company with Tarr. Not that Aliss wanted to trade places, she was too busy tending the ill and making certain no one discovered that Raynor had woken.

Aliss had been especially worried after Fiona had warned her that Tarr expressed no pity for his prisoner. True to her nature, Aliss wished to heal and protect, which meant she found excuse after excuse to see that Fiona spent more time with Tarr than she did.

A large shadow fell over her, blotting out the bright sun.

“You look lost,” Tarr said.

She caught her tongue before she could claim boredom. The twins appeared busy enough with all the healing Aliss had done. Letting him know she was bored would alert him to her identity.

“I am relaxing in the early morning sun.”

He stepped to her side so that the sun could once again drench her.

She smiled at his considerate action and got the sudden urge to spend time with this man who so intrigued her. But she did not wish to stroll his land, or sit and talk. She wanted to be involved with his daily routine and discover his true nature.

“What are you doing?” she asked, standing.

“I am going hunting.”

She almost jumped for joy. She had not hunted in weeks and ached to feel her bow in her hands, but again that would alert him to her identity.

“Would you like to go with me?”

He laid a trap for her, knowing full well Fiona would jump at the chance to hunt. Besides, his dark eyes glistened with a hint of mischief and a smile lurked at the corners of his mouth. He obviously enjoyed this little trick, thinking he was about to snare his prey.

Fiona set a trap of her own. “I would like to see how good of a hunter you are.”

He appeared ready to laugh. “You doubt my skills?”

“Not all warriors make good hunters.”

He pounded his chest. “I am good at everything I do.”

Fiona let loose with laughter.

“You doubt me?”

She stifled the last bit of laughter, amazed with his sense of humor. She had believed him a staunch warrior who thought of nothing but battle and gaining wealth, but there was more to this mighty warrior.

He was respected and loved by his people and he provided well for his clan, and he had a good sense of humor.


