May Contain Wine Read online Lani Lynn Vale (SWAT Generation 2.0 #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: SWAT Generation 2.0 Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 70458 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

He says, “Is it bad that I want to take care of this right now?”

I snickered just as Ashe started to giggle. “Ford says if it’s possible to knock me up twice, he’s more than willing to try.”

We all looked at Ashe in surprise. “Um, what?”

Ashe grinned widely. “Surprise.”

And still, the little dots were circulating.

“I almost want to get up and read over his shoulder at this point,” Ares murmured as she pulled her phone toward herself and started to type away.

I reached forward to grab my phone, but Ares slapped my hand. “No. We all want to read it.”

Just as I was pulling my hand back to my lap, Louis finally sent the message he’d been typing.

Except, it was only one word.


I blinked in confusion.

“That’s it?” Ares asked as she looked at it. “Just ‘yes?’”

Ares pulled the phone closer to her just as Ford’s shout of laughter had us all turning toward the group of men that we’d been watching since we’d sent our messages.

“Oh, boy,” Ashe snickered. “Ford’s showing everyone his phone. We’re busted.”

I watched Louis as his face fell a little bit.

But he covered it fast and well, which made me wonder if I’d seen what I saw at all.

Just as I was about to get up, Ares handed me back my phone.

It had a text sent from her pretending to be me: When and where?

He read it, then shoved his phone into his pocket, not bothering to even look back at me.

If I didn’t know better, I would think he was pissed.

Pissed that I didn’t actually want to have his kid.

What in the hell?

“That was fun,” Ashe yawned loudly. “Jesus, I’m tired.”

“Me, too,” I mumbled, following her yawn with one of my own.

Ashe sent me a sympathetic grin. “We could just get into that booth right there and take a nap.”

Her suggestion had merit. But I knew if I rested my eyes, I would be sleeping and not for just a nap but for the night.

Today had been a very long day.

Romeo had come back to my office not once, not twice, but three times over the course of the day, and I was honestly on edge from having to deal with him.

Going out tonight really was the very last thing that I wanted to do, but Louis had given me these big doe eyes, and I’d been unable to tell him no.

Which was how I ended up here, instead of lounging on the couch.

The doors to the bar opened and closed hard, and I looked up just in time to see a rowdy bunch of men walk through the door.

Every single one of our guys at the bar turned their attention to them.

“Oh, boy,” Ashe said as she saw the same thing I did. “That doesn’t look like it’s going to turn out well.”

No, no it did not.

It looked as if it was going to get really ugly, really fast.

Especially when the rowdy men went up to the bar and realized that there wasn’t a single seat to take.

Louis turned slightly on his chair, opening up his legs and dropping one foot onto the ground.

He didn’t outwardly show that he was tense and ready other than that one thing, but I knew with just looking at him that he was expecting trouble.

“How much do you want to bet that one of those drunks throws a punch?” Rowen asked as she took a sip of water that she’d brought with her.

“How much do you want to bet that our guys wipe the floor with them and have them in the back of cop cars in about half a minute?” Ashe countered.

Now that I could see happening, too.

If they had their cop cars. They’d all driven their personal vehicles over here since we were all going to a bar, and it probably wouldn’t look good for the police department to have cops that’d been drinking getting behind the wheel of a police cruiser.

“We should probably just stay back here,” I said as I saw the men move in. “Do you think they know that they’re cops?”

None of them were wearing uniforms. In fact, they were all in head to toe black and white. Not one of them was wearing a shirt that wasn’t either black or white. They were in jeans of all different shades. All were wearing boots. But really, there was no distinguishing them from any other guys at the bar.

“Malachi has his KPD SWAT hat on, but it’s backward. And he turned around and faced the room the moment that those guys walked in,” Ashe said as she sucked hard on her glass of water. Where did they keep getting drinks? I hadn’t seen the waitress come over once! “Oh, boy. Dax keeps looking over here as if he’s making sure you’re staying put.”

I snorted as I gave him a thumb’s up.


