Love at The Bluebird Read online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

I love this feeling, because it makes me feel wanted, like he can’t get enough of me and always wants more.

I’m scared by it, because what if this doesn’t work out and I never have this feeling for someone ever again? I can’t even imagine finding someone else who makes me feel the way Gavin does.

Soon, his touch and scent make me forget my inhibitions and all I want is him inside me. He pins me against the drawers and hoists me up. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, and I moan at the familiar pressure that starts to build every time I feel him rub against me.

“So fucking sweet,” he groans before claiming my mouth again with his.

I sigh in delicious contentment, enjoying this moment and only acknowledging what really matters to me—him and us.

“Your animal noises are starting to do permanent damage to my brain! Stop sucking face and let’s get out of here!” Sosie yells at us from the kitchen, snapping us back into reality.

We pull away from each other, but our foreheads touch as we attempt to catch our breaths.

“I think we should revoke her invitation to the game,” he says, and I laugh at his frustration with his cousin as he puts me back down on my feet.

“We can’t leave just yet.” I grab my Predators jersey out of my duffle bag and put it on over my shirt. “You need to open your present before we go.” I smile up at him as we walk back out into the living room together and see Sosie standing by the door, her bag on her shoulder, ready to go. I grab the three gift bags and hand one to Gavin and one to Sosie.

“What’s this for?” Sosie asks, holding the handle of the bag with the tips of her fingers as if it’s coated with an infectious disease.

“It something fun for you to wear tonight,” I tell her before turning all my attention to Gavin while he opens up the bag and takes out his jersey.

“Darlin’, you didn’t have to do this.” He flips the jersey over to see his last name personalized on the back. “Baby, this is amazing.” He puts the jersey on, and I’m happy to see it fits like a glove. He crushes me into a bear hug and kisses me hard on the lips. “I fucking love it. Thank you, baby.” I’m rewarded with one more kiss before he lets me go, feeling completely breathless and once again, turned on.

“Why would you buy this for me?” Sosie asks, and I turn to find a look of confusion written across her face as she holds up her jersey.

“Because we need to show support for the home team,” I reply, and she looks at me doubtfully. “And, it’s always fun to receive presents.” I shrug. I don’t understand her or why she’s acting so unappreciative, but I refuse to let her put me in a bad mood. I do make a mental note never to buy her another present again.

“I know my mother taught you better manners than that,” Gavin snaps in anger at Sosie and her attitude. “These jersey and the tickets we got tonight are courtesy of Aly and her company. If you can’t be even a little appreciative, then don’t fucking come with us.”

I squeeze his hand in a silent signal letting him know I’m fine. I appreciate him coming to my defense, but he doesn’t need to be so harsh with her. I give Sosie an apologetic smile, but she just stands there and continues staring at me. “You don’t have to wear it,” I say, cutting through the uncomfortable silence.

“I’ll wear it. Thank you for thinking of me,” she says after a moment, her voice softer than I’ve ever heard it.

I nod in acknowledgement and smile brightly between the two of them, hoping to lighten the mood. “Come on, let’s go have some fun tonight!”

I don’t even bother checking to see if she puts on the jersey. I grab my purse and Willow’s bag off the counter, lace my fingers with Gavin’s, and head toward the door. As long as I get to come home with Gavin tonight, nothing else matters.

Chapter Fourteen


THE NOISE LEVEL inside the arena is at a loud enough decibel that it rings through your veins, making your heart pound in your chest from the excitement of the game. There’s nothing like playoff hockey, and tonight the arena is colored in yellow with fans rocking their jerseys in support of the home team.

The game is tied 2-2, with the first period just about to end.

“I’m gonna get some food. You want anything?” I ask Aly, who’s been chatting with Willow throughout the game.

“Not right now.” She smiles as the horn sounds.

“I’ll be back.” I kiss her swiftly on the lips and then walk myself over to the buffet. I help myself to a plate of food, grab a beer, and stand at the nearest high-top table to eat and people-watch.


