Finding Finley – Desires Unleashed Collection Read online Riley Hart (Finding #1)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Finding Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103010 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

Which included me…and whoever he was with after me. The thought made my insides feel hollowed out.

“Okay,” he replied. “I…I love it. And I made double-chocolate-chip cookies, your favorite, to celebrate.”

He grinned, and then I did, something I was noticing I did entirely too much around him. “I’m glad you like it, boy.”

We stood there and looked at them for a moment, and…I wasn’t sure they were as bad as I’d originally thought. When we went inside, I thought maybe I actually liked them.



It was my birthday. My mom always said I was the best Christmas gift she’d ever received, which I never understood. She’d been sixteen, and having me had gotten her kicked out of her parents’ home. There was also the fact that I’d been born a month early and had almost died, but she said that since I hadn’t, that just went to show how special I was.

It had been months since the one and only time Aidan had shared my bed. That night…it almost wrecked me. I hated how weak I was, how needy, as I’d cried and imagined Aidan with someone else, wishing he’d wanted to use me instead. I would do anything to be used by him, to be possessed and fucked and shown all those sexual activities I’d only seen in porn and longed to know firsthand.

But he hadn’t come to me. He’d gone to someone else, and then I’d cried and forced him into bed with me, when it obviously wasn’t where he’d wanted to be. And then he’d sworn to me he wouldn’t do it again, and a stronger boy wouldn’t have needed that. Aidan was a Dominant and deserved to be served by whomever he wanted, but I’d clung to that promise, knowing that in the months that passed, Aidan hadn’t gone back on his word to me.

“It feels weird, not cooking for you,” I told Aidan as I went downstairs that evening. He hadn’t allowed me to do any of my chores either.

“It’s your birthday. It’s my job to take care of you, yes? I want to give you this. We didn’t celebrate when you got your diploma. I’m not going to allow your birthday to go unnoticed.”

I was such a fucking slut for him. I couldn’t hold back the grin that split my face. “Thank you, Sir. You make me feel…” Loved. He made me feel loved. “Cared for.”

“You are, and you deserve it.” Aidan reached over and threaded his fingers through my hair. Closing my eyes, I savored his touch, while also wondering what it would feel like if he pulled. He’d tightened his grip on my hair before but never tugged it, never let me feel the sting deep in my scalp.

“Thank you.”

The doorbell rang, and my eyes jerked open in excitement. “You may answer it,” Aidan told me.

“Thank you!” I replied before running for the door.

Ian was there, like I knew he would be, with a package in his hand. “Happy birthday and merry Christmas,” my best and only friend in the world said. He stepped inside, and we hugged.

“Hi, Aidan,” Ian said when we pulled apart. “Thank you for letting me come over today.”

“It’s Finley’s special day. He deserves to be celebrated.”

Oh, I nearly melted right there in the entryway. I loved when he said things like that.

“As do I, and I don’t remember you ever having a dinner party for me,” another voice said. A tall man stepped up and smiled at Aidan. It was his friend David, with whom he’d been having dinner the night Aidan had taken me home with him. The two of them met up often, but I’d never seen him other than that night. I knew he was coming tonight, and I thought maybe that was because Aidan knew I had no one except Ian and wanted me to feel more like it was a real party.

“Who are you, again?” Aidan asked, and David laughed.

“I used to be your friend, but I don’t think I want that title anymore.” They grinned, and I felt honored to be in this moment. I never saw Aidan with anyone other than me or Ian, outside of deliverymen or someone at a restaurant or gas station or whatever. “Are you going to officially introduce me to your boy or what?”

David came inside, and I closed the door behind him.

“David, you remember Finley, and this is his friend Ian. Boys, this is David,” Aidan said.

“Hi. It’s great to meet you,” I replied.

“Happy birthday,” David answered, surprising me by giving me a hug.

He and Ian said hello next.

“Well, aren’t you pretty?” David said to him, winking. Ian and his boyfriend had broken up a while ago, but Ian wasn’t in this lifestyle. I looked up at Aidan, unsure what to do, and he nodded as if telling me he would take care of it.


