Dance With The Devil Read Online Joanna Blake (Devil’s Riders #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devil's Riders Series by Joanna Blake

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 44788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 224(@200wpm)___ 179(@250wpm)___ 149(@300wpm)

“You’re a glutton for punishment, you know that ?”

I shrugged .

“It’s not like I’m going to see her. She’s gone. She wants nothing to do with me, that much is plain. I’m over it .”

Jack sat up, staring at me with a worried look on his face. Donnie poured him another ginger ale, shaking his head .

“Doesn’t sound like your over it, Whiskey .”

I glared at him. I’d taken a lot of heat over the whole Becky thing. Especially since the two of them knew I’d been ready to propose. Of course, both of them were so blatantly in love with their wives, they couldn’t say a damn thing about it .

Still, I was getting tired of being a sad sack all the time. I could at least pretend I was over it, even if it was far from the truth .

“ I am .”

“ You sure ?”

“Yes, Donnie. Jesus .”

“Guess it doesn’t matter then .”

“What doesn’t matter ?”

“Oh, you haven’t heard?” He popped a straw into his mouth and grinned at me. “ Becky’s back .”

My jaw dropped. I stared at him, seeing various shades of red flashing in front of my eyes. I didn’t like hearing the ‘B word’ on anyone’s lips. I had gone out of my way not to use it for months .

“What ?”

“She’s working at Mae’s right now. Or so I was told .”

“ How long ?”

“What ?”

“How long has she been back ?”

He shrugged .

“Dunno. Just know she’s back in town. And no man in tow .”

I stared blindly ahead. Excitement, relief and fury washed through me. I was so so so not over it. She’d ditched me. I couldn’t forget that .

Ditched me after stealing my heart .

Now she was back. Just like that. A reappearing act .

This time I was going to be firm. She’d explain to me why she’d left. I’d let her apologize and then watch as she begged me to take her back .

I would, but I wouldn’t fall back in love with her. Not all the way. I’d protect my heart this time. It would be fun, but nothing serious .

This time I was going to get some answers. I would be the one in control. The one calling the shots .

And then I was going to make her pay. I’d tease her mercilessly. I’d let her wonder what I’d been up to. I’d make her beg me to give her the pleasure that only I could .

I cracked my knuckles .

Maybe, if she begged me prettily enough, I would consider loving her again .

But only if she begged .

Chapter Four


“M ay I have please a slice of that delicious looking pie there, Missy ?”

“Apple or cherry ?”

“Oh, apple. Definitely apple .”

I smiled at Mr. Johnston, one of Mae’s oldest customers. I remembered him well. He didn’t tip much but he was a total sweetheart. A lot of the older customers had real manners. He was a true gentleman .

I always got a real smile from Mr. Johnston. And that was worth a dozen tips. I knew he had a limited income. He came in a few times a week as a treat and tipped what he could .

I didn’t mind a bit .

I even gave him extra whipped cream .

“Anything else? Coffee ?”

He hesitated and I could hear him mentally calculating the cost .

“It’s on the house .”

He grinned like a child and I went to get his pie and coffee. I was just writing up his check when I felt it. The air in the room changed. Warmed up. I could feel the electricity zapping around the diner .

My skin got hot. My stomach did a little flip flop. And my cheeks got tingly. I could tell my face was bright red .

Only one person had ever had that effect on me .

And I knew, I absolutely knew that he’d just walked into Mae’s .

Whiskey was here .

I was almost afraid to turn around, to see. But I couldn’t help myself either. Whiskey stood by the door, his eyes boring right into me. They were blazing, giving off so much heat I immediately started sweating .

Not cute girl in a yoga commercial sweating. The guy in the movies who has to deactivate a bomb sweating. Mowing the lawn in July sweating .

He just stared at me for the longest time. He looked like he was in shock. Like he was relieved but real, real mad at the same time .

I realized we were staring at each other like two fools and hustled to check my other tables. By the time I finished, he was sitting at the counter, watching me .

My throat was dry so I took a sip of water. Then I walked over to him, cool as a cucumber. At least I hoped it looked that way, anyhow .


