Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

Zoe sat on my left with his legs spread out.

I leaned his way and whispered, “Cross your legs. It is considered rude to have your feet facing the food.”

“Aww. Okay.” He quickly folded them.

Jade was on my right.

A few times, I caught my mother lovingly watching her.

An oval mat, woven from river reeds and topped with the softest of grasses, lay in the center of our group. A man placed an entire roasted lamb on the mat. Several women carried over bowls of bread, fruits, and vegetables and put them on the mat. Next, another woman brought over a delectable assortment of oysters, mussels, and grilled fish.

For the Yumboe, meals tended to be single-dish communal affairs. Everyone grazed from one bowl or platter, using spoons or bare hands to scoop up meat and vegetables which was always supplemented with rice or couscous.

Our enchanted land bordered the Atlantic Ocean, so seafood was always plentiful. However, peanuts and millet served as our tribe’s primary crop. Many of our people traded products with unsuspecting humans for couscous, sweet potatoes, and black-eyed peas.

A horn blared.

We all turned to the front.

Towering over us, the tribe’s magic users raised their hands over their heads. A myriad of colors shot from their fingers and blazed the night sky, each different and unique in its own way. Once the magic sped high, it exploded with more light, crackling and popping, shimmering and sparkling.

I checked Jade’s reaction. She giggled. Her gaze dazzled by the magic.

At least she is enjoying herself.

I turned away from the show.

This must hurry so I can ask my father.

Impatience surged through me, but I had to wait it out. The Yumboe had a special way of welcoming guests. It was all drenched in customs and traditions. It would be rude of me to appear after years of absence and instantly begin asking for their help.

I had to honor their ways.

Damn it.

The clinking of silverware and the chatter of joyful conversation filled the air.

Tons of Yumboe sat in other groups all around us with their own food mats. Many cheersed their glasses of wine and laughed. Several jumped up and danced as the tribe’s drummers appeared and played.

Smoke rode the cool night breeze, carrying the scents of rose petals and lavender.

Everyone celebrated, but all I could think about was Azar and the many horrible things that could be happening to him. My imagination ran wild with possible scenarios of torture.

The thought of Azar suffering made my stomach knot and my soul break into bits and pieces. A cold hollowness carved through my insides like an icy knife, numbing me to the celebration. The sensation was worse than heartbreak and very close to mourning.

Azar has to be okay. Don’t think the worst.

Still, it was hard not to.

A woman handed me a glass of wine. I took a large gulp. Surely, it was sweet wine, but the liquid ran sour on my tongue and scorched a path down my throat.

Yet, I drank more hoping to warm the fearful chills within me.

This feast needs to end so I can ask for help and get back to save Azar.

Taking another gulp, I faced forward and noticed my father watching me.

Disappointment blazed in his gaze.

It appeared my father still had not forgiven me for leaving with a vampire.

Zoe nudged me with his elbow. “Are there any other customs or anything I need to know?”

Thankful for a reason to look the other way, I nodded. “I will walk you through everything.”

“Good.” Zoe rubbed his flat stomach. “Because this food looks amazing but no one is eating.”

“You have to wait until the wash basin appears. Then, we clean our hands.”

“Aww.” He searched around. “I am glad you told me that. I may have drunk water from the basin.”

I grinned. “Definitely not a good idea.”

“So. . .” Zoe leaned closer. “Your father and mother are on stools because they are the king and queen?”

“Exactly. For us, seating is often a matter of hierarchy.”

“Interesting. Then, I’m close to the king, therefore—”

“You are important.”

Zoe beamed. “I am.”

“You are.” I sipped more wine.

The water basin arrived.

Zoe and Jade watched everyone wash their hands. Then, they followed.

Not hungry, I gestured for the woman to pour me more wine.

Several servants hurried over and dried Zoe and Jade’s hands. Then, went to everyone else. My father and mother had special people to wash and dry their fingers.

When all the servants left, I told Zoe, “Do not begin eating until my father does.”

Zoe smiled. “Very good to know. Because once again, I was about to dig in. It has been ages since I have had a proper meal.”

Everyone watched my father.

Slowly he leaned forward, grabbed a piece of lamb, and ate it.

My mother nodded and did the same.

“Go ahead.” I nudged Zoe and Jade. “However, only eat from the section of the bowl in front of you. Never reach across the bowl to get something from the other side.”


