Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

His boyfriend who wasn’t really his boyfriend.


“You wear the damn thing and say that!”

“Well, if I were an adrenaline junkie who insisted on going fast on two wheels while jumping in the air, crashed, separated my AC, and had surgery, I would!” Geez. What did he expect?

“I hate you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I guess it’d be shitty for me to hate my boyfriend and all…”

Well, no time like the present. “Speaking of that…” I pulled off the freeway but didn’t go straight to Rush’s place. Instead, I parked in the lot of an old, abandoned building. My hands shook when I killed the engine. I needed to do this. I couldn’t stall any longer. I wasn’t sure what I expected Rush to do. He was one of the most understanding people I knew, but he also took his career incredibly seriously, as he should. “We need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

“If we break up, I’ll tell my mom we decided to be friends—which is what would happen anyway. Plus, I’m pretty sure Jude doesn’t believe we’re together.”

“Wait. What do you mean Jude doesn’t believe it? He doesn’t think I’m good enough for you?” Oh shit. That hadn’t been what I’d planned on asking. Who gave a shit what Jude thought? I certainly didn’t…only obviously I did.

“Um…why do you care if Jude believes it? I thought you didn’t want people to think you’re my boyfriend.”

Which was true. I wasn’t supposed to want that. No, I didn’t want that. I’d never wanted a boyfriend in my life, and I sure as shit didn’t plan to start now. “Point taken. I also think your bestie happens to hate me, but whatevs. He’s probably in love with you.”

Rush rolled his eyes. “Jude’s straight.”

“Yeah? So was Ash when he moved here, and look at him now. First he couldn’t keep his dick out of Beau’s ass, and then poof! He was in love with him!”

“Well, if that’s what we’re using to measure, wouldn’t it mean I’m half in love with you? I mean…I can’t keep my dick out of your ass either. Well, I couldn’t until you cut me off.”

My mouth dropped open. Rush was giving me shit, teasing me… He couldn’t be in love with me. It was impossible.

Laughing, Rush used his good arm to reach over, hook his finger beneath my chin, and close my mouth. “Relax, Red. I’m kidding. I’m not in love with you. Or half in love with you. But I do like you…and again, I like my dick in your ass.”

Ugh. My ass liked Rush’s cock there too…filling me, fucking me, making me feel grounded. There was nothing like the feeling of being full. I’d always loved taking cock, and it was…hell, I didn’t know, even better when that dick was attached to Rush Alexander. No, no, no. Thou shall not have your first real crush on a friend. “We’re getting off track here. Let’s back up a minute. I didn’t mean to ask about Jude; what I meant to say was—Wait. What do you mean if we break up? We’re not really together, Rush!”

“That wait was real important, huh? You added it at the beginning of both questions.”

“It’s for emphasis. Now answer the question.” Rush was going to drive me absolutely insane. Yep, I was going to go out of my mind.

“Well, I don’t know. You’re the one who started telling people we were together. You’re the one who lied…and then didn’t correct my mom when you realized she heard. It would have been easy to just lean over and tell her you weren’t really my boyfriend, that you said it so you could come in and see me—we’ll ignore for now how important it was for you to see me. I didn’t see Beau or Sawyer lying to visit me—so I can’t help but ask myself why that is. Especially when I add in the fact that you’re jealous of both Jude and Sawyer, you said we had to stop having sex, and then you’ve been all weird with me ever since.”

When he put it like that… And I couldn’t believe he’d just spit all that out at me either. “I was in shock! I’d just made up a stupid lie, only to be hugged and invited into the family by your mom and straight best friend who’s secretly in love with you—oh, and then I got accosted by a fucking journalist who wants to write your story and—Oops. Did I forget to mention that?”

“Wait. What journalist?”

“See? Waits are good for emphasis.”

Rush rolled his eyes. “I’m being serious, Linc.”

I was pretty sure Rush would hate me after this and our problems would be solved. No fake dating, no I like yous. And as much as it sucked, it was probably better that it happened now instead of later when I was in too deep. “First, let me start by saying he’s gay, so I really don’t think he’ll say anything without your permission.”


