Tied to the Wulven – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 47749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 239(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

It seemed like a long shot, but it was the only plan she could think of. Taking a quick look around to get her bearings, she began to coax and lead the Beast away from the Compound and towards the North field.

What else could she do?



But they hadn’t gone far before the Beast began to lose interest. His head turned more and more often towards the Compound and Breenah had more and more trouble calling him back.

Have to hold his attention, she thought desperately. But how?

Then she seemed to hear Rax’s voice in her head.

“Scent is very important,” he’d said. He’d even scent-marked her to keep her safe. Could the mixture of their scents help keep the Beast’s attention? Breenah wasn’t sure, but there was one way to find out.

Putting her hand into her undergarments, she rubbed it firmly over her pussy mound—even dipping two fingers inside herself. Then, before she could lose her nerve, she raised her hand and waved it in the Beast’s direction.

“Hey! Hey, there!” she called to him. “Over here—pay attention.”

The Beast did more than pay attention. His nostrils flared and his eyes turned from gold to a deep, ominous orange. With a low growl, he bent to press his face to her hand. Then he growled again and wrapped both huge hands around her waist, lifting her clean off the ground.

“Oh!” Breenah gasped as he picked her up, almost like he was picking up a doll. Or maybe a treat he wants to take a bite of, she thought as fear shot through her. Rax had been big but his Beast was absolutely enormous—fully twice as tall as she was—she felt like a toy in his hands.

The Beast lifted her, bringing her bare breasts towards his mouth and she could see those long fangs gleaming as he spread his jaws to take the first bite.

Oh Goddess, help me! she thought as terror filled her. He’s going to bite me—to eat me, like Rax said!

But then, to her surprise, she felt the hot mouth fasten over one bare nipple almost gently and instead of a fierce bite, she felt the Beast begin to suck.

“Oh…” she gasped as he took more and more of her breast into his hot mouth. “Oh, so that’s what you want!”

Somehow, in her extreme terror, she had forgotten what Rax had said—what he had told her the Beast would want of her.

“Because, little girl, he’ll want to breed you. He’ll want to shove his shaft deep into your soft little pussy slit all the way to the knot and pump you full of hot cum,” he had warned her.

Breenah felt a shiver of fear go through her.

Oh my Goddess, no—I can’t let him!

But how could she stop him? He was enormous and incredibly strong and now there were no Magno-manacles and Stasis Wheel to hold him back. Breenah was entirely at the mercy of a vicious monster!

Except the Beast wasn’t acting vicious at the moment. He continued to suck Breenah’s nipples—taking his time with each one. Though to be honest, he was so big he was basically sucking almost her entire breast into his mouth as he did so.

Almost against her will, Breenah felt her pussy beginning to get wet and hot as the Beast sucked and swirled his tongue around her ripe, sensitive points. She could feel his long fangs bracketing her tight nipples and pressing against the sides of her breasts, but he was extremely careful not to cut her with them.

“The Beast will not spill a drop of your blood,” the Goddess had promised.

Breenah wondered if she could let herself believe that. And then a new thought entered her head—could she possibly tame Rax’s Beast?

He had claimed it was untameable—and that was why it was so wild and violent. Apparently a Wulven Kindred needed a female to tame and soothe his Beast to make it less dangerous. But Rax had claimed his Beast could not be tamed.

What if he’s wrong, though? Breenah wondered as the Beast continued to suck and lick her tingling nipples. What if I could tame his Beast? Wouldn’t that make it safer for everyone—not just me but for everyone in the Compound?

She wasn’t sure if she ought to try or not, but no other plan came into her head. And the Beast already seemed enamored of her—at least, if the way he was sucking and licking her breasts was any indication.

But how do I tame him? Breenah asked herself. And like before, she remembered Rax’s words. He had told her that to tame a Wulven’s Beast, a female must submit to it sexually.

The thought sent a new shiver through Breenah’s body. Could she really give herself sexually to this creature? He was so big! And the enormous shaft swinging between his thighs was even bigger than it had been when Rax had control. She wondered, briefly, if the big Kindred was still in there, somewhere, watching everything the Beast was doing but unable to stop him. Or was he passed out, the way Breenah had been after Mistress Heal-all had injected her with the sleeping drug?


