The Kraken’s Sacrifice (A Deal With a Demon #2) Read Online Katee Robert

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: A Deal With a Demon Series by Katee Robert

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 52553 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 263(@200wpm)___ 210(@250wpm)___ 175(@300wpm)

“You’re mad at me, Castle. Aren’t you?” I can’t decide if it’s particularly unhinged to be talking to a magical castle or just smart. “You’ve shown me the error of my ways. I’m very sorry for whatever I’ve done and I’ll be good until the auction or whatever is going on. Please take me back to my room.”

There’s no response. Of course there isn’t.

I drag in a breath and keep going. I’m at the point where I’m considering using my dress as a sled and seeing if it’s possible to slide down the damned stairs when I turn a corner and reach the bottom.

It’s only then that I see the tunnel and the canal running through it. Or maybe it’s called something else, but that’s the first word that pops into my head. I take a step closer. Now that I’m not fighting for breath and focusing on my shaking thighs, I recognize the scent in the air.

Salt water.

“Why would you have a canal of salt water?” I murmur. Surely it would make more sense to bring fresh water into the city? But then again, this is a magic realm with a magic castle, so maybe they have some other purpose for this tunnel.

That doesn’t explain why the castle brought me here, though.

I look up at the dark curve of stone overhead and frown. “I’m certain this is not the way back to my room.”

A sound in the water has me turning in time to see ripples on the surface . . . as if something large is swimming toward me. Fast. I stumble back a step. “Oh god, there’s monsters down here, aren’t there? You fed me to monsters after I was nice to you!”

But the being who rises from the water isn’t a monster. Or isn’t entirely a monster. They’re broad with blue-gray skin that is strangely attractive. Also . . . “You have tentacles.”

They stop short. Or their human parts—a well-defined torso and muscled arms and a face with a very cold expression on it—stop short. The tentacles that seem to pass for hair slither around their shoulders, and the bottom half of their body—all tentacles—shifts and lashes out.

“Who are you? A welcome party?” They say it with a sneer of derision. “A single human to meet a king?”

A . . . king.

I’ve never met a king before. Then again, I’ve never met a fish-man made of half tentacles either. The smart thing to do is most likely to run, but when presented with the smart thing and the reckless thing, there’s really only one option for me.

I tilt my head to the side and make a show of looking him over. “Guess Azazel doesn’t think much of you.”

His hair tentacles move around his cold face like snakes. I half expect them to hiss at me. Or for him to get pissed. But his expression never wavers. He looks down his crooked nose at me. “Go get your master, human. I don’t have time for this.”

I eye the mass of tentacles that make up the lower half of his body. It would be very, very easy for him to drag me into the canal and drown me. Pretty sure death by drowning counts as harm, but I still don’t really know how the whole demon contract gets enforced, and punishing my murderer is great and all, but I’ll be too dead to care.

“Sure,” I say slowly. “I’ll, uh, go do that now.” I back toward the stairs.

Thankfully, the castle hasn’t made them vanish in the few minutes since I reached the bottom. Even better, the ascent—which I walk and definitely don’t run for my life on—only takes three curves of the staircase before it spits me out into a familiar-looking hallway. “Thanks a lot, Castle.”

A door halfway down the hall opens, and I peek inside to find my room. “Oh, thank god. Or thank Castle.” I duck inside and shut the door behind me.

Only then do I realize I’m shaking. I knew I was in a different realm, of course. “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore” and all that. Somehow Ramanu and Azazel didn’t ping my monster meter nearly as hard as the kraken king did.

I walk to my bed and flop onto it. “A single human to meet a king.” I can’t really mimic his deep, icy tones, so I exaggerate the haughtiness. “Someone should meet you with a fucking harpoon. Maybe that would be enough to get the stick out of your ass.” Oh well. It doesn’t matter if that fishy king got under my skin in record time.

I’ll never see him again.



I’m still thinking about the human woman an hour later when I’m led by that blasted demon Ramanu into a large room containing two of the three other territory leaders. Even knowing to expect it, I can’t help tensing as I move past them to the inset pool of salt water Azazel has provided. I’m sure the demon knows it’s not actually necessary—I hardly dry out after being out of water for only a few hours—but if the other territory leaders underestimate my abilities, I would rather they continue to do so.


