The Holiday Trap Read Online Roan Parrish

Categories Genre: GLBT, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 129
Estimated words: 125117 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 500(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

“Greta? Are you okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m good. Just trying not to pass out.” At the stricken look on Carys’ face, she added, “In a good way.”

Carys laughed.

“Okay, well, maybe I’ll hold on to you just to make sure. And you let me know when you’re done trying not to pass out. In a good way.”

Carys slid her arm around Greta’s waist and rested her cheek against Greta’s shoulder. They stood like that for minutes, watching the colors deepen and the city lights begin to shine against the impending darkness.

“Okay,” Greta said.

Carys turned to her.

“Okay, you feel good about the prospect of me kissing you?” she said, clearly half joking. “Or your almost passing out in a good way is over?”

“Shut the hell up and kiss me already,” Greta said, grinning.

Carys’ lips were salt and sugar, her mouth a luscious play of give and take. The kiss was sweet until it went dark and hungry, Carys’ tongue sliding against her own and sending shivers through her legs and guts, tingling between her legs.

Now falling off the overpass seemed a possibility for an entirely different reason.

One of Carys’ hands was at the small of her back, dragging them together, and the other slid into her hair, tugging just enough to make her gasp.

Greta slid her hand to the nape of Carys’ neck, desperate to feel the satin slip of her curls. She felt the curve of Carys’ skull under her fingertips and tipped Carys’ head back to kiss her more deeply.

The kiss crested and then they broke apart, panting, resting their foreheads together.

“Damn,” Carys said as Greta breathed, “Wow.”

Carys’ grin was everything.

They looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment, then Carys pressed a sweet kiss to the corner of Greta’s mouth.

“I hate to leave. Seriously. I hate it.” Her gaze raked Greta’s body hotly. “But I have to go change if I’m gonna make my tour.”

Greta nodded. “Sure. Of course. Totally cool.” She winced, but Carys just smiled. “I might stay here for a minute,” Greta said, not trusting her legs to carry her down the stairs.

“Okay. You know how to get home from here?”

“No clue, but I have Google Maps on my phone.”

“God bless Google Maps,” Carys agreed. She paused. “Can I see you again?”

“Yes. Yes, please,” Greta said. She’d never meant anything so much in her life. “You have my number.” And, damn, but Carys really, really did.

“Yay,” Carys said softly. “Bye, Greta.”

On her lips, Greta sounded like a promise, a flower, a name all her own.

Chapter 6


What would you say if I told you I think I might be staying in a house that Agatha Tark once lived in? Truman wrote in the group chat.

I’d say you suffer from an excess of hope, Charlotte wrote.

Really??? How can you tell?? wrote Germaine.

Truman smiled. They were precisely the responses he’d expected.

He told them about the ceiling and the way it reminded him of the healing hut in The Heart Flowers (book five, in which Clarion has a brief but necessary tryst with a bearling, which strengthens her heart enough that she doesn’t give up on her quest). (Charlotte: circumstantial; Germaine: Whoa!!)

He saved the ship for last.

Pics, Charlotte wrote.

He sent pictures.

Germaine replied with a key smash and a selfie with their eyes open comically wide, making a mind-blown gesture.

Charlotte responded, Hmm.

Truman rolled his eyes. He adored Charlotte. But sometimes her skepticism bordered on bummer.

Is there any local history of similar inlays in the architecture? Maybe it’s a coastal tradition or signifies something about certain types of houses?

Yeah, that Agatha Tark lived in them!!!! Germaine replied.

I haven’t done any research yet, Truman allowed. In truth, he hadn’t even thought that there might be other ships, but Charlotte was right.

Sooooo, Germaine interrupted. How are you holding up?

Germaine and Charlotte weren’t only fellow Tark-heads, although their friendship had begun that way. They were his closest friends and confidantes, closer by far than his friends in New Orleans, even Ramona. They’d never met in person, and perhaps they never would. In fact, it was easier to confide in them precisely for that reason.

He didn’t need to emote when he felt blank or to rein it in when he felt too much. They hadn’t needed to know that he was curled up in bed sobbing when he wrote to tell them about Guy (although Charlotte’s murderous reply and Germaine’s tender offer for a phone call suggested that they’d had their suspicions).

The truth was he wasn’t sure how he was doing. It had been such a whirlwind since he’d gotten to Owl Island that he’d hardly had a moment to think about Guy.

I’m okay. Mostly, I feel like such a fool and I keep looking back at all these obvious signs and being like, Wow, how were you oblivious to the reddest flags in the world? Like, he NEVER stayed over at my place. Well, like three times, and clearly that was when his husband or partner or whoever that was must’ve been out of town. He never wanted to go out. He talked about himself ALL the time and was it all a lie?! How did this happen?


