The Grumpy Billionaire Who Stole Christmas Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 145(@200wpm)___ 116(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“I’m not just a pet photographer,” I say, unzipping my costume a little more. I start digging around in there. A peanut is caught between my flesh and the underwire of my bra. “We have plenty of animal lovers here in the Junction, but it would be hard to make a living doing only pet portraits. I do picture day at the local schools and family portraits, too. That kind of thing.”

Luke doesn’t respond.

I look up.

His eyes are on my chest, which is not small. I’m short and curvy. I realize I’m doing a lot of jiggling and bouncing on the balls of my feet, trying to dislodge the nut, which in turn is creating a lot of jiggling and bouncing of my chest.

I snap my fingers. “Eyes up here, Mr. Ratcliffe.” I removed my antlers with the jingle bells before we started baking. Otherwise, I would shake them to snag Luke’s attention the way I do with distracted dachshunds and terrified terriers.

“I’m just wondering if there’s anything in there for me,” Luke says, gesturing to my costume.

His voice is whiskey smooth, and his blue eyes are piercing into my soul. My fingers seem to be working independently of my brain because I lower my zipper another fraction of an inch. Despite my lack of recent dating, or even flirting, I can recognize the signs of attraction when I see them.

Low voice? Check.

Narrowed eyes trained on me? Check.

Glancing below his belt I take in his suit pants, stylishly fitted in a slim cut.

Large tantalizing erection? Check, please.

“Such as?” I murmur, impressed with the husky invitation in my voice. I’ve never been good at seduction before, but something about tonight feels different.

Maybe it’s the combination of the cozy kitchen and the winter storm raging outside, making it feel like Luke and I are marooned on a festive private island (with bonus chipmunk).

Maybe it’s the way he still feels like a dear old friend, no matter how long it’s been since we’ve spent time together.

Or maybe it’s simply that he’s Luke, my childhood hero with the secret sadness in his eyes, the one I’ve always suspected I could heal if he’d give me the chance.

Well, hold onto your cleavage nuts, lady. It looks like that chance might be incoming…

Luke pulls in a breath, but before I can find out if he’s going to confess that he wants to nibble me all over or defuse the tension with a joke, there’s a heavy, klunking sound from somewhere in the building and the kitchen goes dark.

Chapter Five


Holly cries out in surprise, Andy screeches like he’s been tossed into a box of peanut shells with all the nuts already gone, and I curse beneath my breath.

Cock blocked again. This time by Mother Nature herself.

Elliot was right about the town losing power tonight.

As soon as the thought zips through my mind, I realize I’ve forgotten to call my brother. Which means the chauffeur is probably still waiting downtown, putting his own safety at risk, and no one in my family has any idea where I am.

I curse again, louder this time.

“Luke? Are you okay?” Holly calls out, farther away than she was before.

“I’m fine, you?” I can’t see anything in the dark, so I reach toward the sound of her voice. My fingers brush what I’m pretty sure is her hip, sending another surge of longing straight to my already throbbing dick before she finds my hand and grips it tight.

I’m ridiculous when it comes to this woman. Like the horny teenaged boy, I never had time to be when I was actually a teen.

The feeling that rushes through me once her hand is safe in mine is far more complicated than simple lust, however—it’s a mixture of warmth, affection, and the need to protect her at all costs.

But thankfully I don’t have time to think too much about that before Holly squeaks in a thin voice, “Yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t realize how dark it could get down here without windows. It’s like we’re trapped in a tomb or at the bottom of the sea or something. And I don’t remember where I put the flashlight.”

I squeeze her fingers, sensing she could use the reassurance. “I’ll feel my way along the wall to the stairs. We should have more light up in the main part of the building. Just hold tight to my hand.”

“Okay,” she says, exhaling a shaky breath. “I really hate the dark. I don’t know why. Nothing bad ever happened to me in the dark. It’s just…spooky, you know? When your eyes don’t work?”

“It’s natural to be afraid of the dark. Instinctive,” I say, starting slowly in the direction of the stairs, trying not to think of all the other instinctive things I want to do with Holly Jo.

“It’s more than that,” she says, griping my hand so tight I start to lose feeling in my fingertips. “It makes me think of space. And the fact that we’re all floating around in an ice-cold void. And if anything ever happens to our atmosphere, then we’ll be sucked into the void and our insides will become outsides and there is no Planet B.” She lets out a strangled yipping sound and leaps closer, gluing herself to my back as she wraps her arms tightly around my waist. “Something just ran over my foot! I’m pretty sure it was Andy, but what if it wasn’t, Luke? What if it was a rat or a really fat mouse who hates people in his kitchen and wants to eat our faces? I need my face. Dogs don’t like people without faces. I’ll never get Cora the anxious Corgi to smile tomorrow if I don’t have a face.”


