The Fall of Us – Love in Isolation Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

He follows it up with a tongue-sticking-out emoji.

Finn: We should invite Austin to hang out so we can make sure he never goes back to her. Help him find someone less crazy.

Levi: Yeah, we should. He seemed cool. Not sure how he got caught up in Aspen’s evil web.

Finn: She has a way of doing that.

Levi: So how’s the “fake” girlfriend? I couldn’t go more than ten feet at the celebration without hearing about the “perfect new couple!”

Finn: Oh, shut up. And it’s going fine. We’re in town now so she can get some ideas for her next project.

Levi: And she’s still leaving after the festival?

Finn: Yeah.

Levi: And you’re just going to let her?

Finn: She has a life to get back to. I won’t be the one to make her choose between me and her dreams.

Levi: Seems like she could get plenty of commissions here. She got two already. Plus, there’s a little thing called the internet.

Finn: It’s not the same. She already told me she has tons of connections for jobs on the West Coast.

Levi: And she can’t fly there every once in a while for work? I mean, honestly...she could.

Finn: It’s not just that. Our lives are in different places, too. I was ready to settle down, and she’s just getting started.

Oakley was just finishing grad school at that time.

Levi: I don’t know, man. Sounds like lame excuses to me.

Finn: Too bad I didn’t ask you.

Levi: I’m your best friend, so you know I’m gonna give you my advice and opinions regardless.

Finn: Keep it to yourself for once.

Levi: Ha! You’re in way deeper than I thought.

I roll my eyes and pocket my phone, leaving him on read. Once I give Marcia my order, I wait at the pickup counter and think about what he said. Levi has a long dating history and still hasn’t found the one, so I hardly consider him an expert.

But I can’t deny there’s truth to what he said.

I am in deep. Too deep.

And I’m fucking screwed.

Fifteen minutes pass, and I make my way back to Oakley, who’s deep in thought. Her pencil moves quickly over the page, and I could watch her like this for hours. Her blond hair blows in the wind as she squints her eyes and nibbles on her bottom lip.

“Here ya go,” I say quietly, not wanting to interrupt her concentration.

“Oh, thank you. Such a perfect fake boyfriend.” She smiles wide over the rim of the cup before taking a sip.

“I’m well practiced,” I reply.

“Wanna see what I have so far?” she asks, setting down her cup.

“Absolutely.” I sit next to her.

She flips her book around to show me. “I’m thinking of painting downtown from this angle to capture the buildings on each side of the street and the cute little businesses here. Then once I see how everything is set up for the festival, I can add in all the small details of the decorations and booths.”

“I love it,” I tell her genuinely. “At the end of the block, a stage for the band will be set up, and the middle of the square will have lots of games, food, and activities for kids.”

“That’s gonna look so cool,” she exclaims, closing her sketchbook. “I can’t wait to go home and get started!”

I wrap my arm around her and pull her in for a kiss. “I can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re finished. I’m sure it will be incredible.”



DAY 15

I’ve been anticipating the festival all week and am so excited it’s finally here. Though each passing day means I’m closer to leaving, and my time here is quickly coming to an end. Even if Finn were to ask me to stay, I’d have to go back and figure out my apartment situation. The more I try not to think about it, the more it will slap me in the face when I get home.

For the past few days, I’ve been going on more town tours with Finn and working on the painting. I drew my original sketch onto the canvas to get the foundation of the building’s layout beforehand. The sidewalk and road are finished, and I’ll fill in the festivities once I see them. Afterward, I’ll add in small details for each local business.

Needless to say, I’m feeling the pressure to make it perfect. I have until Sunday to finish since I fly out on Tuesday.

“Levi’s on his way over, then we’ll go set up.”

Last night, Finn told me Levi volunteered to help set up the orchard’s caramel apple booth. It’s tradition, something they’ve hosted each year since the beginning. Willa asked Levi—who could never tell that woman no—since Paisley and Poppy are working at the bakery until five.

“I think it’s sweet how Levi helps your family like that,” I say, brushing my hair. “I only get updates from my childhood friends on social media. We’re all so busy living different lives that it’s hard to keep up with everyone.”


