The Duke and the Bold Lady (The Ravens #1) Read Online Olivia T. Bennet

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction Tags Authors: Series: The Ravens Series by Olivia T. Bennet

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 94964 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 475(@200wpm)___ 380(@250wpm)___ 317(@300wpm)

* * *

“Tell me,” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot. “Tell me what you need.”

* * *

“I…need,” she was straining, hips bucking, pleasure ebbing and flowing in teasing waves, staying just out of reach of completion. She threw back her head and screamed. “Harder, oh God, harder, faster, I need it.”

* * *

He obeyed at once even as his hand burrowed beneath her skirts, thumb bent as he pressed it against her sensitive nub, his pace ruthless and unrelenting. Finally, her body contracted, everything suspended for a moment, frozen in time before bursting in a kaleidoscope of feeling and release. She rode the wave to shore, her body shaking and her mind blank, clinging onto Arthur in every way for dear life.

* * *

He made a pained sound, his leg shaking before he released into her, filling her up with his spend.

* * *

“Arthur,” she said weakly, her hands falling from his neck, unable to hold on.

* * *

He put her down gently and she almost dropped to the ground before he caught her. They leaned together against the wall, panting into each other’s shoulders. Janice smiled, feeling content and happy. Suddenly Arthur pulled back, staring bleakly into her eyes. “Forgive me, I got carried away and did not take care.”

* * *

Janice frowned, not understanding.

* * *

Arthur’s lips twisted in bitter amusement. “Our coitus was not interrupted. So now I have put you in danger of conceiving.”

* * *

Janice’s brow cleared. “Oh. Never fear, I read in this treatise my father has in the library that one can prevent conception by placing a piece of lemon-soaked cotton inside, soon after er…” she blushed. “Well…”

* * *

He nodded. “Yes. I have had ladybirds tell me the same.”

* * *

She pulled back, frowning at him. “And do you traffic a lot among those women?”

* * *

“No, no!” he hastened to assure her, “We were just talking in a gaming hell. I had inquired as to how they keep from…” he cleared his throat, “In any case, that is no way to speak in the presence of a lady.”

* * *

“Pray do not be shy now. Tell me more.”

* * *

“Later perhaps. For now, do you not think we should get you home so that you can…?”

* * *

She sighed. “I suppose. But do not think you are off the hook.”

* * *

He blinked solemnly at her. “Never, my lady.”


They were lucky that in the hustle and bustle of the midsummer ball preparations, Janice was able to slip upstairs without anyone being any the wiser. She managed to bathe and change her clothes and then slip down to the library without anyone questioning her. Searching for the tome in question, she quickly reread the passage on preventing conception before going in search of a lemon.

* * *

Slipping back into her room, she soaked a piece of cotton with it and inserted it inside of her. She winced at the burning sensation it left on her sensitive flesh, and sat back on her bed as she waited for it to do its work.

* * *

She could not help but dwell on their lovemaking while she waited. Her body was still throbbing in reaction, her knees still fairly weak. She knew it wouldn’t be long until they did it again.

* * *

We are playing with fire.

* * *

She had the most to lose if they were ever caught but now she understood why people took the risk. There was a tentative knock at the door and then Anne poked her head in. “I saw you came home but that you were creeping about. Do you need help with something?”

* * *

Janice couldn’t help blushing. “No no, I’m fine. Thank you.”

* * *

Anne came into the room and sat on the bed beside her with a sigh. “Where were you? You aren’t getting sad again are you?”

* * *

Janice smiled wryly. “Just the opposite my dear. I am very happy.”

* * *

“Oh.” Anne frowned thoughtfully, “So what were you looking so furtive about?”

* * *

Janice patted her hand gently. “Nothing you need worry about. Just some personal business.”

* * *

“Oh.” She nodded. “Well, shall I keep you company then?”

* * *

She smiled at her sister affectionately. “If you’d like. You seem like you could use it. Anything the matter?”

* * *

Anne sighed. “Not really. Emily had me running around all morning. I’m just tired.”

* * *

“The ball is going to be lovely I’m sure.”

* * *

“Yes. She always does a wonderful job.” Anne looked gloomy.

* * *


* * *

“Well…” she looked down at her hands. “I heard Rhys telling Frederick he might be heading to Wales and will be sorry to miss it,” she whispered.

* * *

Janice wanted to lean forward and envelop Anne in her arms but she did not want to move lest her piece of cotton be dislodged. “Oh darling, come here,” she said instead, holding her arms out.


