Stupid Cupid – Love Is In the Air Read Online M.K. Moore, ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 20595 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 103(@200wpm)___ 82(@250wpm)___ 69(@300wpm)

I have to admit that I miss him so much my heart hurts. I woke up today not in his arms for the second time, and it felt like I was missing a piece of myself. I kept remembering the way he would hold me and kiss me. How he felt moving inside of me, telling me he was breeding me so I could never leave him. Then I remember he was going to confess something to me before Carmen walked in, and none of the pieces fit.

“Well, at least my books seem to be a success,” I tell Rose, filling up one of my stands.

“Yeah. Who knew clean romance was such a draw?” she asks, making a gagging face. I giggle and shake my head at her. I turn around to grab some more bookmarks, and then Rose calls my name. “Uh, Cheryl, you might want to turn around.”

“Why? What...?” My next question is cut off by about twenty guys, each carrying a bouquet of pink roses in vases come walking toward my table. They set them down surrounding my booth, and I begin to feel butterflies in my stomach. Once the last one moves, I see him, Nolan, dressed in a button-up shirt and slacks. “Nolan what is…” My mom, dad, and brother are all with him, and suddenly, I know what is happening.

Shaking my head and putting my hand to my mouth, I look down at my man on his knees, and I know in my heart everything has been a huge misunderstanding. “Cheryl, my love. My sweet, beautiful doll. The woman who enthralled me from the first phone call with your light wit and idealistic heart, I am in love with you. I know why you ran and though it gutted me to think you felt I would cheat on you, I got it. Carmen is my housekeeper and the wife of one of my clients.” I am so dumb.

“I should have known,” I tell him, feeling so stupid. “But then you started confessing something and didn’t finish, and she walked in, and it sort of felt too good to be true and some crazy coincidence, so I assumed,” I say, spilling it all out.

“I know, baby. I was going to tell you how crazy I have been. I didn’t live here in Maine when we first talked. I was living in Chicago, alone, and recluse. Then I heard your voice and something in me woke up. I felt life and like there was a destiny out there for me. Then I looked up your bio and my soul knew it had met its mate. So I moved, the very next day, and watched you from afar, needing to soak up everything I could about you until we met in person.” Oh my. His confession should scare me, right? I should be calling him a psycho and running away, but knowing the lengths he went to have me; I just feel cherished and loved.

“Nolan.” I touch his cheek, so he knows I am not running anymore.

“I was going to tell you all of it, but I wanted my ring on your finger first so you wouldn’t leave me. Then you left anyway, and I almost lost it, baby. But, I got it together enough to go to your parents and introduce myself. I told your father if he gave me permission to marry you, I would put you before myself in love, honor and protection. So here I am doll, on my knees, telling you I love you so much that when you are not with me I feel bereft, lost. Make me whole baby and marry me.” Oh my God. There are so many emotions going through me like a sandstorm, picking up other emotions and thoughts and questions along its journey, but the one thing I keep landing on is I love him. I am in love with him, and I want nothing more than to marry the love of my life.

“Yes! Yes Nolan, I will marry you.” He slides the ring on my finger, and for the first time, I look at it. “Nolan!” The tears are a real thing now when I see what he chose. “It’s beautiful.” It's a heart-shaped diamond with pink diamonds around it.

“It’s perfect, just like you.” And right here, in front of the people who love me, and him, I kiss my future husband.

Like I hope to, forever.




Having to wait to make Cheryl officially mine was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Five excruciating weeks. As soon as we got home from Kansas City, we bought a house together. We moved in and got a dog. Bo Peep is the cutest sheepdog that I’ve ever seen. Our engagement at the book signing picked up some press, and as a result, Cheryl’s book sales skyrocketed. While that is amazing, today is the day. Today is the day that Cheryl becomes my wife. Before God and all of our friends and family, we will take our first steps as man and wife.


