Stupid Cupid – Love Is In the Air Read Online M.K. Moore, ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 20595 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 103(@200wpm)___ 82(@250wpm)___ 69(@300wpm)

“I’m sorry what?” Cheryl asks, confused. I smile. She doesn’t give a flying fuck about Nick and I fucking love that.

“You never told me that Nolan’s brother was a super famous basketball player.”

“I had no idea. Please sit down,” she says, gesturing to us.

I immediately sit down next to her, and Nick sits next to Rose.

This is going to be an interesting night indeed.



“That is so funny, Nick,” Rose says for the thousandth time during this thirty-minute dinner so far. She has been all over him since he walked into the restaurant. It all started with a squeal and a hand clap when Nolan walked in with his brother Nick, and it turns out he is a world-famous basketball star. Me, I wouldn’t have any idea about any of that. Me and sports, nope, not friends. But Rose, out of all of us, is all about anything that has sweaty men.

So, when Nick walked in, she about fell out of her chair. I mean, literally, I had to put my hand on the back of it to keep it from tipping. I would be less than honest if I didn’t tell you that his entire demeanor changed the minute his eyes landed on her. He walked into the restaurant cocky like he knew the paparazzi would be here. But then he heard Rose’s squeal, and his face; I don’t know, it changed, became…genuine, is the only way I can think to describe it.

Here we are, thirty minutes in, and they haven’t paid Nolan and me any attention. Not that I am upset or anything. It’s more like I wish I had her confidence. I feel my chair moving and turn toward Nolan. “You were too far away from me,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh.” Really, Cheryl? Oh! He chuckles and nuzzles me on the neck. My body shivers from the warmth of his breath, and I find myself leaning into him.

“Tell me what you’re thinking right now, doll.” Did he have to ask me that? My mind is a puddle of nerves and desires with him touching me right now. “Tell me.” He says closer to my ear. So close, I swear I felt his tongue touch it. A moan escapes the back of my throat, and I could die of mortification. Like he can read my mind, he says, “I know, baby. I have been waiting months for you to see me.” Oh my God. Is he serious?

“Wait, what? This whole time you have liked me?” The incredulity in my voice cannot be stopped. I am shocked. Surprised. Bewildered. And quite frankly really damned confused.

“Like doesn’t begin to describe it, doll. Not even a little bit.” I whip my head around and look at him, suddenly feeling a bit pissed and cheated at this news.

“Then why didn’t you say something, Nolan? Why with the secret gifts and silence? You have had so much time to ask me out. Why did you wait?” He looks unsure of himself right now, and I feel a bit vindicated. It is a valid question.

“Your books made me wait, Cheryl. Your characters, even when they find love, don’t have men that maul them. They are chaste and chivalrous and tempered. In my mind, that is what you wanted and needed. I was more than content to go that route until the bastard touched you the other day and I lost my mind. I was no longer contained, babe and now I can’t put it back in the box.” Well damn.

His explanation rings true in my mind, but in my heart, I can’t help but feel like we wasted so much time.

“Did it ever occur to you that I only wrote stories with men like that because I don’t know any other way to write them? I have no experience in any of this, so I write what I saw in movies with my grandma and mom.” He looks surprised for a moment.

“No. That didn’t occur to me, baby.”

“Well it should have.” By now, Rose and Nick are staring at us, probably half of the patrons in the restaurant, but I don’t care. I am too fired up to care. “I have been beside myself, scared and confused about my feelings for you, wanting to tell you, but convinced I was the only one who felt it. When the gifts started coming I prayed they were from you, but…” I am so wrapped up in my feelings I don’t realize he has moved until his arm is around my waist and his mouth is descending on mine.

His lips are softer than I imagined a man's lips to be, and thank God for that. His breath is warm and inviting, but his grip is firm and unrelenting. “Kiss me back, baby.” He commands. My mouth obeys. My arms wrap around his neck, and I open my mouth, unsure of what else to do, but when his tongue touches mine, something natural takes over.


