Stalking His Bride Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 35289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 176(@200wpm)___ 141(@250wpm)___ 118(@300wpm)

The smell of bacon hits me, bringing a smile to my face. I’m not sure if it’s for the bacon or because I know it means that James is still here. I’ll have to add James making me breakfast to my list so I can cross it out. I know I’m doing it backwards, but James wasn’t in the picture when I started the list. Is he in the picture? I might be getting ahead of myself.

He could just be being nice to me. Maybe the kiss was not a big deal to him. I mean, don’t people date lots of people at once? Wouldn't that mean they kiss lots of people? My stomach sours thinking about that. I need to chill out. To take this one step at a time. I can test the waters. See if James is really into me. It’s a little hard to believe with how handsome he is. Let’s not forget he’s ten years older than me. I’m not sure I’d fit into his life. He probably thinks of me as a little girl who hasn’t experienced life enough.

I pull the blankets back, heading for my bathroom. I hurriedly get myself together, brushing my teeth and hair. I look at myself in the mirror. If I put a little makeup on I’ll look like I’m trying too hard. I set my lip gloss down, deciding I want him to see me for who I really am.

At home I have to do that on a consistent basis in front of my parents. Always hiding who I really am because I know they’ll disapprove. With James I want to be different. I flip off the light in the bathroom and head down the short hallway. My stomach flutters as I start to get nervous. Is this going to be awkward?

I peek around the corner into my small kitchen to see James at the stove flipping pancakes. I didn't know I had stuff to make pancakes. I’m pretty sure I don’t have pots or pans either. I am terrible at this moving thing and having my own place. He looks over his shoulder, busting me peeking at him.

“You want something to drink, baby?”

I stop. Did he just call me baby? No. I must have heard him wrong. Isn’t baby something you call a girlfriend? Last night he called me sweetness, but I was thinking that’s like sweetheart or something along those lines. “You don’t have coffee.”

“No, it's gross.” I step out. He puts the spatula down, coming over toward me; he drops a kiss on my lips before he opens the fridge and snags the orange juice out. What is happening here? This feels like two people who live together or something. Then again, this could be the dating thing which I know nothing about. I’m going to have to read up on this. Is there a Dating for Dummies? Because the last thing I remember we were getting together to talk about the bachelor and bachelorette party. We must have skipped a ton of the other steps.

I’ll have to figure this out later. I can’t concentrate when I’m hungry. I’ll eat first and then navigate my way with James after. It’s probably just him being nice again.

He pours me a glass of orange juice. “Set the table for us?”

“I haven't put it together yet. We can eat at the coffee table.”

“I put the table and chairs together.”

“What?” I step around to the small nook where I have the boxes. Sure enough, the table is built, along with four chairs. I set my orange juice down. “That was really sweet of you.”

“It’s nothing. I’ll work on getting the rest of your stuff built over the next few days.” He hands me a plate full of bacon.

“You really—”

“I’m doing it. We can argue about it for ten minutes if you want. I’ll end up doing it anyway so you might as well come to terms with it now and we enjoy our breakfast while it’s still warm.” I snort a laugh. This man is something else.

“Bossy and sweet. Not a combination I’d ever think went together.” I shake my head as I take everything to the table for us. I pour James a glass of OJ too. “Where did you get all this stuff? I think everything I have is frozen.”

“I had Williams run a few errands for me.” I take a bite of the pancake.

“Oh my God this is so good.” I can’t remember the last time I ate breakfast food. At home it was always yogurt and fruit. Mom is always on some crazy diet that we all have to join her on. “You’re going to make me gain ten pounds at this rate.”

“Who cares?” He takes a bite for himself.”

“Well, my bridesmaids dress will care. Oh crap! What time is it? I have a fitting today.” I jump up from the table. James snags me by the waist, stopping me.


