Rule Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83760 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

“How can our earth, with a projected population of nine-billion people by 2050, still allow us to maintain our desired high quality of life…” The deep, growly voice makes me freeze, and my whole body tingles.

Oh dear God. The entire class stares at me along with the owner of that gravelly voice. Sniffing, I straighten my back, quickly move to a long table close to the back, and flop down, my backpack hitting the ground in the quiet room with a thud and tipping over.

“Jesus,” I hiss, feeling my cheeks heat like I’ve just come out of the sun and didn’t wear protection.

Just start talking, please… Why isn’t the professor talking? I look up and hear it before I see it.

“No, no…” I whisper, watching in horror as my Aquafina water bottle, that apparently fell out of the side pocket, slowly rolls across the classroom floor toward that growly voice.

Blinking, I stare at what might be the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. This can’t be the professor. I thought it was a woman. Jamie Knight… Professor Knight. My brain is already operating on slow motion, or maybe I’m in protection mode because why am I just sitting here like an idiot while my water bottle rolls and crackles as it makes its way toward him?

My eyes dart to the guy to my left who’s leaning back, smirking and shaking his head. I need to move, do something… anything, but instead I stare in misery as that god of a man squats down, his dark jeans hugging his thighs, and picks it up.

And I die.

I take in the full effect of him. He’s not only tall, but he’s also got thick, dark hair that seems to curl in only the perfect spots, like around his ears. A jawline that makes Brad Pitt’s look weak, and his eyes… his eyes have me frozen in place.

Deep blue, like an ocean, almost turquoise in color, I think. Oh fuck, he can’t be walking over to me… No.

“This is a perfect example as to why we are all in the situation we’re in.” He holds up my water bottle, stopping in front of me.

Dead. Just kill me now because whatever is happening is making me feverish and slightly lightheaded.

“As much as big corporate companies say they’re trying, the truth is… they’re not.” The room snickers as I look around—then my eyes dart back to him.

He stands, staring down at me, his full lips in a smirk as he holds out the dreaded bottle of Aquafina for me to take. And if I thought I was mortified before, I’ve now reached a new level of humiliation. How long has he been holding my bottle out to me?

“I’m so sorry.” I reach for it, only to gasp when our fingers touch, and an electric shock zaps us. The class laughs as Professor Knight frowns, his eyes narrowing on me.

“Name?” His voice… Jesus, am I sweating?

“Alexandrea,” I croak, bringing the water bottle to my chest as if that can protect me from this attraction I have to this man.

“Class starts at nine o’clock. If you can’t make it on time, and by that, I mean early, don’t bother continuing with this class. My office hours are at eight o’clock. If any of you need to meet with me, my door is always open.” His eyes hold mine, then shift as he looks around the classroom. The heat from his body almost burns into mine.

“How many of you, like Alexandrea, have a plastic water bottle in your backpacks?” He walks away, and I take a breath—I really am getting lightheaded. Looking down, I see my arms are covered in goose bumps. What is wrong with me? The way my name sounded on his lips, I’m almost shivering…

“You okay?” the guy to my right leans over, whispering.

Reaching down to heave my backpack onto the back of the chair, I nod.

“Hey, don’t let Dean Powers upset you.” I slowly turn to look at him. He’s cute enough. Blond hair with stylish black glasses. My eyes dart back to Professor Knight, wait, did he say Dean Powers?

“That’s not Professor Knight?” I whisper, motioning with my head as I bring out my laptop.

“Um, no.” He chuckles, moving closer to whisper, “Professor Knight is on maternity leave…” He freezes as the room is silent again.

No, please, just no. I close my eyes because I can’t look. I know the hot professor is staring at us. I can feel it.

The guy clears his voice and sits up straighter, when all I want to do is slide down the chair and dissolve into the floor. Again, snickers fill my ears. I bite my lower lip and stare back at my fellow students, their faces showing nothing but happiness at my pain. What the hell is happening?


