Reckless Truths – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 132332 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

Z: Hope went into labor. At Empire Med with them.

My new little sister’s on her way.

Me: Everything okay?

Z: Get your ass down here and keep me company.

I snort and shove my phone in my pocket. “Looks like Grace is making an early entrance.”

“I saw them hurry out before.” Charlotte glances toward the back of the gym. “I was wondering where they went. Is Hope okay?”

I pull my phone out and check again. “Don’t know.”

Wrath actually seems rattled when he stops to talk to us.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask.

He tears his intense stare away from the side door that leads to the parking lot. “I’m worried about Hope.”

“Was she in pain?”

He turns and scowls at me. “She was about to drop a baby. I’m guessing it hurts like fuck.”

“Rock’s probably freaking out. Z just told me to get my ass down there.”

“Trin’s there. I’ll head down when we close up here.” He slaps my shoulder and walks off.

Charlotte’s quiet, staring at the floor. Her bottom lip trembles slightly. I slide my hand over hers. “You all right?”

“Yeah. No. I’m worried about her too. You better get going. Z will need company so he doesn’t drive Rock nuts.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind?”

“I have that case…I…” Her voice trails off.

“Hey, I get it.” She still hasn’t recovered from our loss. “Drop me off at the hospital. I’ll catch a ride home later.”

Relief spreads over her face. “Are you sure? I want to be there and see the baby. I’m just not…”

Over losing our own baby. “I know, Sunshine,” I say in a low voice. “Come here.” She leans in and I kiss her cheek. “It’s okay.”

The sliding doors of Empire Med whoosh open and I brace myself. After spending so much time in the hospital after my accident, I’m not exactly a fan. The smell, bright lights, and squeaky tiles all set my nerves on edge. What am I even doing here? Won’t I be in the way? Z’s not a child; he doesn’t need me to entertain him in the waiting room.

The labor and delivery ward takes forever to find. I breathe a sigh of relief when I spot Z sitting in a chair, tapping on his phone.

“What’s up?” I ask, kicking my foot against his outstretched legs.

He tucks his phone away and grins up at me. “Hey. Glad you finally showed up. I’m bored silly.”

“No nurses to romance?”

“Not yet.”

“I fucking hate hospitals,” I grumble, falling into the chair next to him.

His smile falters. “Shit, brother. I’m sorry. I’m only fucking around. You don’t have to stay.”

“Have to now.” I cock my head toward the window. “Charlotte dropped me off and went home.”

Z’s head jerks up and he stands. “How’s she doing?”

At first, I think he’s asking me how Charlotte’s doing. But nobody even knows about our loss.

Then I follow Z’s gaze to Rock stalking down the hallway toward us. His face is pinched with worry. “She’s doing good.” He holds up a small paper cup. “They sent me for ice chips.” His gaze lands on me. “Hey. Thanks for coming. Afraid there’s nothing exciting to report yet.”

His voice is stiff and formal. Did he think I wouldn’t be here? Of course I want to see my new baby sister.

Painfully aware of Z’s presence, and the way his sharp gaze shifts between Rock and me, I choose my words carefully. “Yeah, no problem. Anything I can do, Prez?”

A small shift or twitch at the corner of his eyes suggests he’s disappointed. Did he expect me to call him Dad in front of Z or something?

“Nah, you two might as well go home and get some sleep. I’ll text when Grace is here and it’s okay to visit.”

Z shifts his weight, peering over Rock’s shoulder. “Can I see her to say goodbye? Wish her good luck or something?”

Any other time, Rock would probably threaten to punch Z for trying to intrude, but his face transforms into a more relaxed smile. “No.” He reaches out to squeeze Z’s shoulder. “I’ll tell her though.”

Trinity walks up behind Rock and taps him on the shoulder. “Here.” She passes him another paper cup that seems to be full of ice.

“Thanks, Trinny. You heading home?”

“Unless you want me to stay?”

“Nah, I’ll let you know when something exciting happens.”

“Can I catch a ride with you?” I ask Trinity.

“Yeah, sure.”

I wait a beat until Z and Trinity are near the elevator, then pull Rock to the side. “Do you want me to stick around? Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No, I think it’s going to be a while. Go home.” He hesitates. “Come back tomorrow, though?” he asks, as if he hates imposing on me.

“Hell yeah. I’ll come sooner if you need me to. Just call.”

He tilts his head and holds out his arms. I reach in and hug him. “I’ll be back. I can’t wait to meet my new little sister,” I say against his ear.


