Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

The drive is much the same. One topic after another they are laughing and having fun and I find myself just enjoying listening to Mila be silly. With me she’s happy and herself, but let’s face it from the moment we hit the word go we have been at full throttle and intense.

We pull up to the restaurant and I help the girls out of the car. I check to make sure the driveway has been shoveled since it snowed like crazy last night, but of course I should have known better. They always take care of everything. I was so damn happy when Mila put on her Uggs because that would have been a fight about her wearing shoes she should versus what looks good.

“This is amazing.” Mari says walking in ahead of us. Both she and Mila got a kick out of their rumbling tummies in the car. Seems they agreed ahead of time not to eat beforehand which had I known my woman would not have gotten away with that.

“Welcome. Well Jacob Monroe. Step back and let me look at you.” Royce’s mom Beverly says giving me the motherly once over before pulling me into a hug. “You haven’t been to the restaurant since we renovated. I upgraded your favorite pie.” My stomach picks now to speak up.

“Surely you are not talking about the best German Chocolate cake on the east coast?” Chuckling, she nods her head.

“The very same one.”

“Please tell me you brought it today?” I am a sucker for her desserts but her german chocolate cake is literally the stuff of dreams.

“When Royce told me you were coming I made it just for you.” I love this woman. I lean and kiss her on the cheek before introducing her to my girl.

“Mama Bev, I would like for you to meet my Mila.” Pulling her into my side, I kiss the side of head and watch Bev give her the squinty eye.

“Nice to meet you young lady.”

“The pleasure is mine.” Mila responds holding out her hand. Bev looks her up and down discerningly before looking at me.

“I see. So when are you due?” She deadpans her questions and it lands with a fucking boom.

“I..How did you..I don’t know.” Mila says, stuttering in shock. Bev holds her hands and smiles at her.

“There is just an aura around a woman when she is pregnant. Especially when she is happy about it. Congratulations to you two.” She hugs us before turning to Mari.

“This is my friend Mari.” Mila begins to say but Bev cuts her off, with her hand over her own mouth, gasping in sadness and horror. Mari looks at Mila and I, confused and anxious, not sure what is happening and to be honest that makes two of us.

“Oh sweet girl. You have had a hard life, haven’t you?” I watch Bev move a piece of hair behind her ear before pulling her into a hug. She holds her for a moment, saying something in her ear we can’t hear but whatever it is Mari’s face changes from confused to emotional to downright terrified and then I watch it morph into something else. The moment is interrupted however.

“Hey ma they are waiting for..oh hey Jacob. Glad you could make it. Mila, nice to see you again.” We shake hands and he turns back to his mom. He starts to speak and then his mouth snaps shut.

“Son, this is Mari, Mila’s friend.” For an endless amount of seconds Royce says nothing and when Mari begins to fidget, I reach for her hand to bring her back to me and Mila. I almost make contact when Royce snatches my hand away and moves in front of her.

“Take care of your own woman, Monroe. I got this one.” Out of the corner of my eye I see Bev beaming and then like nothing has just happened she walks away.

“Dinner is in five minutes.” She sings songs from the stairs. I take another step towards Mari, wanting Mila to have a chance to make sure she is alright, but Royce has her hand in his and his other hand on her back. I watch as he leads her up the stairs.

“What the hell just happened?” Mila whispers beside me as we follow up.

“Beats the hell out of me.” But I think Mari just found her forever.

Chapter 15


March-Month Four

Something is wrong. No, let me rephrase. Something is going on. Yeah that’s the right word. Something is definitely going on and weird. It started like a few weeks ago, when my mom decided we needed a girls day. She booked this entire girls spa day complete with massages which let me tell you was much needed but it was also hard to navigate. She booked it as like a mother/daughter duo thing and it took some maneuvering, bribing and lying my ass off to get a room to myself so she wouldn’t see me naked and I could request a pregnant table.


