Play Along Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 125140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

He shrugs. “Who cares?” He grabs my both hands in his. “We are living each day like it’s our last, remember?”

I really needed to hear that. “You always know just what to say.”

His eyes hold mine as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. “I love you.”

My stomach drops, realizing that’s the first time he has ever just said it openly and honestly, without thought. “You do?”

He takes me in his arms and kisses my forehead. “Why do you sound surprised?”

“I’m not…” I pause. “I just…” I stop myself.

“You just what?” He frowns.

I stare at a painting on the wall over his shoulder so I don’t have to look him in the eye. I have been thinking about this all day. He is safer without me. “I just don’t know if I’m good for you. Maybe we should separate.”

“Look at me.”

I keep staring at the painting as I try my hardest to show no emotion.

“Fucking look at me.”

I drag my eyes to his.

“I want to live in the moment. Right now.”

“Was the engagement ring…?” My voice trails off because I’m not sure if I want to know the answer.

He cuts me off. “I got an engagement ring because I wanted to live in the moment.”

“But would you have bought it for me if we were under normal circumstances?” I ask.

“If I felt this way about you in normal circumstances, yes.”

“Stace,” I whisper.

“If I planned out my perfect life tonight, you would be in it. I know this seems fast, but we have been together and alone every day for a month. I feel like I have known you for forever. I’ve never…” His voice trails off.

I smile softly, that’s how I feel. “Is this real between us?” I shake my head and step back from him. “How can we fall in love under these circumstances?”

“I don’t know.”

“So you are having trouble believing this as well?” I ask.

He nods subtly. “I am.”

My eyes search his. “I don’t know how to let myself believe it.”

I see the moment a thought crosses his mind. “Are you doubting your feelings? Is this what this is about?”

I stare at him as a clusterfuck of emotions swirl through my brain. I should end this. I should make him leave me so I know he is safe.

“No,” I reply on autopilot.

“No, you don’t believe this or no you don’t doubt your feelings?” He steps back from me to distance himself.

“Stace…” I hesitate as I try to get my words together. “I love you, you make me feel like I never have before, but I worry.” I touch his eyebrow and he flinches. “Look what they did to you to try and get to me.”

“I’m fine.”

“This time. You’re fine, this time.”

He wraps his arm around me and holds me tight. “I’m fine as long as I am with you.” He gently kisses my forehead.

I feel the ice start to melt from around my heart.

“You know what I want to do?” He smiles into my forehead.


“I want to take my girlfriend on a date.”

“Girlfriend?” I smile.

He nods as he widens his eyes. “Sounds weird, doesn’t it?”

I shrug. “I could get used to it I suppose.”

He puts his finger under my chin bringing my face to meet his. “Stop over thinking. Let’s just get through each day and get our new passports, then disappear and start again.”

He kisses me softly, and then again harder. His lips part and he slides his tongue slowly into my mouth. His hand cups the back of my head as he holds me the way that he wants me. “Put your date dress on and blow my mind like you did on our first date.”

I smile. “I blew your mind?”

“Like an atom bomb. I went crazy back on the ship knowing that I wouldn’t see you again. That was the first time…” He stops himself.

“The first time what?” I ask.

“That was the first time that I knew we were more,” he whispers against my lips.

I smile as his lips take mine. “Then I knew before you,” I whisper.

“I know.” He kisses me again. “I’m slow at these things.” Our kiss turns deeper and I begin to feel the heat between my legs.

“When did you know?”

“When you remembered my lifeline. Actually, it was earlier than that.” I correct myself. “It was when I got hurt that you slept with Chelsea.”

“I didn’t sleep with Chelsea. I haven’t touched another woman since I met you.”

My eyes search his.

“Maybe I knew the night I met you,” he whispers. “I believe we were meant to meet.”

I smile. “If it’s okay with you, I’m going to stick with the first date where you asked my father if you could take me on a date as our meeting story.”

He grabs my behind and drags me over his hard cock. “You’re going to leave out the kidnapping bit when we tell the kids?” His lips drop to my neck and he nips me with his teeth.


