Married to My Stalker Read Online Mink

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, Novella, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 32126 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)



Harley curls up into a little ball and purrs away as he starts to fall asleep. My mind begins to wander as I wait for Logan to come back from taking his call. Why does he always have to step out of the room when he makes a phone call? I heard him snap at whoever it was. I swear I heard a woman's voice.

I remind myself this isn’t the Stone Age. That women work in finance too. I’m letting my insecurities get the best of me. I recall a few times my mom taking me out for ice cream, and we’d always end up passing by my father's office and sitting outside. I’d eat my ice cream while she watched to see who might be coming and going from his office. I pretended not to know what she was really up to. I’d overheard a few of their fights, so I understood exactly what she was doing. My father always denied he was cheating, but even I thought he was full of baloney.

My lack of experience when it comes to men doesn't help matters. Logan is really the only man I’ve ever dated. My father kept a pretty tight leash on me until Logan came along. It’s a terrible thing to think, but I’m pretty sure the only reason my father was so okay with Logan is because it was clear from the very start he had money. Once my father found that out, all of a sudden he wasn’t demanding I be home by a certain time or grilling Logan when he came to pick me up. He was more shoving me out the door.

When I hear the shower come on, I double check to make sure Harley is asleep before I surround him with a wall of pillows and slip from the bed. I pull off Logan’s shirt I’m wearing and head into the bathroom.

Logan lifts his head, turning my way the second I step inside. I swear the man has super hearing. I can never sneak up on him even if it’s to only surprise him in the shower. I fight not to blush, but it’s useless. We’ve been married a little under a year, and I’m still a bit shy about walking around naked.

He watches through the glass as I slip my fingers into the front of my panties, pulling them down my legs and tossing them away. I grab the handle to the door, pulling it open. He grabs me the second I step into the shower and pulls me to him. My feet leave the floor as he lifts me, pinning me to the shower wall. His mouth begins devouring mine. God, I’ve missed him.

“Logan.” I moan when his mouth starts to travel down my neck. “Put me down.” I wiggle in his hold, but he doesn’t budge.

“No.” He nips at my ear, his cock pressing into my stomach. A thrill courses through me at his refusal.

“Logan. I want to try something.” As much as I love his refusal to put me down, I really want to do this for him. I’ve wanted to try this for a while now. I actually think it’s a bit strange that he’s never let me do it before.

“What do you want to try?” He reluctantly puts me back down on my feet but doesn’t release me from his hold.

I run my fingers up his broad chest. The man is at least three times bigger than I am. When I met him, I was shocked when he told me he worked in finance. I was sure he was one of those football men or did something athletic.

I wrap my hand around his cock, loving the way he feels in my hand. He reaches out, pressing one of his hands to the wall, bracing himself as I start to stroke him. How can I have been married to this man for almost a year and only touched his cock this way a few times?

“Sugar.” A deep rumble comes from him. I see his jaw tick.

“Am I doing it wrong? You seem mad. You can show me what you like.” I watch him closer, and I know he’s trying to get himself to relax. That control he holds on to so tightly begins to slip.

“Everything you do is perfect.”

“Then why don’t you like it?” I ask. “Why don’t you let me ...” I lick my lips, pushing myself to continue. “Suck your cock,” I whisper. Logan’s eyes fall closed for a long moment. He takes a deep breath.

“Say it again,” he orders. When he opens his eyes again, something is different. “Say it,” he barks.

“Can I suck your cock?”

His other hand lifts from off my hip to come to my chin. He pulls down, making my mouth open.

“You think you can fit me into your mouth?” He pushes his thumb inside before I can answer him. Without thinking, I close my lips around his thumb and suck as hard as I can, hollowing out my cheeks. I twirl my tongue around it at the same time. He suddenly pulls his thumb out. “Where did you learn that?” Now he really looks pissed.


