Jasper and Sadie – The Yoder Sisters Read Online ChaShiree M, M.K. Moore

Categories Genre: Insta-Love Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 21368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 107(@200wpm)___ 85(@250wpm)___ 71(@300wpm)

“I love you too,” she whimpers, making me hard all over again. I take her two more times in the truck, like a fucking animal. Only she brings that out in me. When it’s over, we are both sweaty messes.

After getting home, I take her to the shower and proceed to fuck her from behind, her face pressed into the tiles. Then I take her to our bed, and make love to her all night long. I shudder to think what I’d be doing or how lonely I’d feel without her in my life. Which reminds me, I really need to get Lloyd something for making me do this. He was right. Sadie is the best fucking thing to ever happen to me.

Chapter Fourteen


One Week Later

“Ouch. Ouch. Shoot.” Lavinia cries. Her hand is killing mine right now, but I don’t blame her. We are currently at The Tattooed Vixen, a new shop that just opened in Charleston. The shop owner is here for the week, overseeing the grand opening. She is a beautifully confident tattooed woman named Felicity. While she was piercing my ears, she told me all about her husband Parker and their five kids back in Savannah Georgia. She has a shop there, and decided to open another one.

My ears were pierced first but now Lavinia is sitting in the chair getting her nose pierced. She has always been the brave one out of all of us. The one who went just a step further then everyone around her. Hence her not just getting her ears pierced, but also her nose. “All done,” Felicity says, scooting back on her rolling chair. She stands and stretches her back, showing her pregnant belly in a midriff top. Envy rolls through me at her fortune of being pregnant.

“How far along are you?” I ask her, not able to turn from her belly. Smiling, she looks down at her stomach and rubs her hands over it.

“Six months. If I have it my way this will be the last. My husband and I have been trying for another boy. Our oldest are twins, a boy and a girl and the other three were girls. My husband says he and our son are outnumbered.” I can’t help laughing with her. “You ladies are all set.”

We thank her and leave the shop. “Are you and Jasper ready for a baby?” Lavinia asks as we get into the car Jasper has driving us around for the day. I have no desire to learn to drive and my husband is fine with that.

“I am and I believe he is too. He certainly is not trying to stop it from happening.” That man releases inside of me multiple times a day, sometimes shoving his fingers inside of me to plug it up as he says, which of course leads to more sex. We are insatiable.

“Have you been reading the books from the library?” She nods her head and continues ignoring me. I want to pry. I want to ask her a million questions and make her open up to me, but I also know Lavinia is one who will shut down if she feels pushed, so instead I say nothing else.

Halfway to the house she turns to me. “I almost forgot to tell you. Ada says Geeb would like to do a story on our garden. He thinks talking about what we are planting, and our plans will be good for business down the line.”

“That is an excellent idea. When would he like to do it?”

“He says their summer edition comes out in a few weeks so probably next week sometime. I was thinking we could do some shots of what we have so far and some pictures of you actually planting the buds for the winter crop.” I always thought she should be a photographer, but in our culture, dreams like that were futile.

“Sounds good. I would be glad to. Anything to help the farm and our growing business.” Again

she only nods, done saying anything else. The rest of the afternoon goes by pretty quickly and before I know it, we are washing our hands, preparing for dinner.

“What’s for dinner, baby?” Jasper wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses the side of my neck.

“I have been simmering this stew since this morning. Your steak just needs to be thrown on the grill, babe.” He spins me around to face him and kisses me like I have been gone for years.

“Say it again,” he growls against my lips. I realize what has him so riled up. Slowly I wrap my arms around his neck and put my lips to his ear.

“Babe.” It is the first time I have called him something other than husband, or Jas.

“I love it.” He says right before kissing me once more and walking out the back door to the grill. I want to cook his steak for him, but grills scare me. He tried to show me a few days ago, but seeing the fire spewing from the top of that thing gave me chills.


