Captured by her Daddies – Harem Of Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 165
Estimated words: 166103 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 831(@200wpm)___ 664(@250wpm)___ 554(@300wpm)

Everyone’s gazes turned to her.

“I’m fine. Can I help with anything?”

“I just wanted to fit another meeting in the day after tomorrow with Adeel. We have a lot in common and there are some more business ideas we’d like to discuss.”

“Oh, of course.” She drew her handbag around and pulled out her tablet. She moved to liaise with Mr. Fical’s assistant, who looked like she’d rather walk across hot coals than talk to Chloe. She was certain she could feel someone’s gaze on her ass as she bent over the desk at one point. She didn’t know whose gaze it was.

And she was too scared to turn and look.

After booking in another meeting, she turned to leave. And found all three men staring at her.


This whole day had been a disaster from beginning to end. And she couldn’t wait for it to be over.


“You’re off Ms. Reed duty.”

“Excuse me?”

Judd gave Owen a firm look, not letting the chill in his voice put him off. The two of them had been through a lot. They’d known each other since they were kids. They knew each other’s secrets, hot spots, and weaknesses.

Judd knew how bad his life had been. Owen wore a mask of normalcy around other people, but underneath he was cold and brutal.

Judd also knew that he was capable of caring about people. That once he gave his loyalty it was unwavering. But he needed them to stay grounded. Without Judd or Hux or Beck, Owen wouldn’t be here. He wouldn’t have survived in the hell they’d grown up in. Few did. Those that stayed rarely lived past thirty. Fifty was considered old. Unless you got out, you would die.

The three of them kept Owen from falling into the darkness inside him. Judd wanted to ensure that never happened. However, lately the other man had been worrying him. He’d been more distant than usual. Spending a lot of time alone. Which was never a good thing for him.

“Beck told me about today.”

Judd nearly winced as Owen’s eyes grew icy. “And what did Beck say?”

Fuck. He shouldn’t have said Beck’s name. Shouldn’t have given Owen a target.

“I don’t know what’s going on between you and Ms. Reed, but you need to keep things strictly professional.”

Owen gave him a knowing look. “Have you had this conversation with yourself? With Hux?”

“To be honest, if I thought I’d have to have it with anyone it would be Hux. Beck said you threatened to punish her.”

“She didn’t do as she was told.”

Judd ran his hand over his face. “We’re protecting her. Nothing more.” Yeah, he needed to tell himself that too.

Owen just stared at him.

“So you’re off her duty and primarily watching him.”

“I don’t like him.”

“You rarely like anyone,” Judd pointed out.

“I dislike him more than anyone else.”

“It doesn’t matter how you feel about him . . . how any of us feel. This is the job. I’m not sure what you’re doing with her . . .” He trailed off, hoping Owen would explain.

It wasn’t like him to play games with people. But that had to be what was going on. Owen never showed interest in other people. Neither women nor men. Judd was pretty certain Owen had just gone along with their relationship with Ester because it was what they’d wanted. Not him.

A feeling of shame flooded Judd. He should have checked in with Owen. Made sure he wanted Ester. Instead, he’d been swept away in his desire for her. His want.

You’re a shitty leader and a worse brother.

You’ll always be the poor boy from the slums that no one wanted.

“Just stay away from her.”

Owen stood without saying anything. Judd watched him as he walked from the room. That was almost too easy.

“I will when you will,” Owen told him before he left the room.


And here they all thought Judd would be the reason they got fired.

This girl . . . she was going to be their downfall. He could just feel it.

Hands reached for her.

Hot breath coated her skin.

Hungry eyes.

Leering faces.

Chloe sat up, gasping for breath. Just a dream. It wasn’t happening. No one was hurting her. She was safe.

Confusion hit her as she looked around.

Where was she?

She didn’t know this place. Oh God.

Breathe. In. Out.

Air wasn’t getting into her lungs. She searched around for anything that would ground her.

Amy. She needed Amy. Her hand reached out and she found her soft toy hiding under the pillow next to her head. She drew the toy close, hugging it and rubbing it against her face. Her heart rate started to slow. Fear ebbed out of her and she was able to think.

She glanced around, her eyes now adjusted to the dark.

Familiar objects filled her vision.

The palace. She was in her suite in the palace in Escana.

Why did she have to have that nightmare tonight? It had been months since her last nightmare.


