Cannon (Pittsburgh Titans #6) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Pittsburgh Titans Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83461 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

I slam into her as Ava hangs on with arms around my neck. As I’m hammering into her body, she whispers in my ear, “I think I’m still coming.”

I believe it because she feels tight as a glove, and the fact that she set off so quick is a fucking turn-on in and of itself. Lifting myself up, I put my hands on the backs of Ava’s thighs, leverage my weight against her, and pound away.

My release comes hard and fast. I groan deeply as my hips grind against her, the orgasm so powerful that my breath gets caught in my chest and won’t come out.

I fall onto her, still pumping away until I can ring every last bit of pleasure from both of us, and only then do I let out a long exhale of relief.

Gathering her close, I wrap one arm around her neck, the other around her lower back. I feel Ava’s lips press against my neck. “Thank you,” she murmurs.

For a moment, I let anger flare within me, pushing away some of the bliss. She shouldn’t have to thank me for that. I got just as good from her.

That was fucking phenomenal.

Ava Cavanaugh is most definitely not a lousy lay, which means her ex said those words as a means to belittle and humiliate. Most likely because he was the one who was no good in bed.

We’re quiet for a long moment, and then Ava says, “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

I lift my head to look down at her in question.

“I mean… I’m not usually this easy.”

Laughing, I press a soft kiss to her mouth. “I’m going to let us blame the alcohol. I wouldn’t have made the move this quickly without those drinks in me. But we’re two consenting adults, and there’s nothing wrong with what we did.”

“Agreed,” she says sleepily.

I glance at my clock and note it’s just past eleven. There’s no way she can drive home, and I’m not sober enough to drive her. We’ll get a few hours of sleep and evaluate later how best to get us both to work.

“I’ll be right back,” I say as I pull away from her, hating the loss of her heat.

I dispose of the condom in my bathroom and have enough sobriety to brush my teeth. I pull a spare toothbrush out of my pantry for Ava and set it on the sink.

Back in my bedroom, I turn out the lamp and slide into bed next to her. As I move in close to her body, I say, “I put a toothbrush out for you if you want to use it.”


“Ava,” I murmur softly, and although I can’t see her face since it’s dark, I hear her deep breathing with the tiniest snore at the end that somehow makes her lovelier to me.

Smiling, I decide to let her sleep. I set the alarm on my phone and pull the covers over both of us, and then I’m out.



My eyes pop open with the sudden awareness that I’m in deep shit. The room isn’t completely dark, and my internal clock knows I’m late for work.

I wince at the spike of pain in my head—fuck you very much, vodka—and mutter a curse as I sit up in bed. Glancing to the left, I see the clock reads 6:18 a.m. I’m in so much trouble.

“Goddamn it,” I mutter as I roll out off the mattress, flip the lamp on, and start searching the floor for my clothing.

“What’s wrong?” Cannon mumbles as he sits up, hair mussed and eyes sleepy. I ignore how perfect his chest is and how unbelievably sexy he looks with the sheet loose over his hips.

“I was supposed to open The Grind”—I look over at the clock that now reads 6:19 a.m. and slip into my panties—“nineteen minutes ago. I’m in so much trouble.”

Cannon frowns and reaches for his phone. “I set the alarm for five, figuring that would be enough time for you to get up.”

I put on my bra and then tug on my jeans as Cannon unlocks his phone.

“Fuck,” he curses, and my eyes cut to him. “I set it for five p.m. instead of a.m. I’m so sorry, Ava.”

I manage a smile. “It’s not your fault. I was drunk too, remember.”

He scrubs his hand through his hair. “What can I do?”

“Nothing,” I assure him as I pull my sweater over my head. “I’m going to haul ass over there and hope the line of pissed-off customers isn’t too long.”

I sit on the edge of the bed to pull on my socks and boots. I hear Cannon slide out and when he comes around into my line of sight, he’s put on his boxer briefs.

Hadn’t paid them much attention last night, but they’re bright white, hug his package a little too well, and make his tanned skin look even more golden.


