Almost Strangers Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Forbidden, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 64929 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 325(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

“Yes, Master.”

So insane.

So hot.

Taking a deep breath, I headed for the house. Putting one step in front of the other made it simple. I wasn’t going to think about what would happen. I wasn’t going to worry about what he would think or how it would feel. I was just going to let it happen.

I was going to let Master take charge.

Chapter 12 Owen

I waited by the door, watching Adrian go inside. There was this terrible urge to just run away — not because this was bad, but because it was so good.

It couldn’t possibly last.

I wanted to remember the look in his eyes, the way his hand had felt on my leg, the way his lips had felt… I didn’t want to screw this up, and I had a habit of doing just that. But then, Adrian wasn’t just some random fuck. He wasn’t just my brother, either. This went so much deeper that I felt like I might drown in it… but happily so. I inhaled deeply then went inside, heading to the bathroom to splash off my face and try to cool down. I’d dressed up a little for our date-not-date, and I briefly considered changing clothes.

I decided against it. I wanted to have the courage to be Master, not Owen, and if I dressed in my usual clothes, I might lose sight of this moment.

I gave Adrian time to do as I’d ordered — and fuck, that thought was hot — then emerged, heading to his room. The door was closed. I paused for a moment, unsure. Did that mean he didn’t want me in there? My foot shifted as I nearly backed away and left. It could be a sign that we’d gone too far and he was thinking better of it, but I forced myself to knock on the door.

“Yes… Master,” Adrian’s voice called out quietly, without the fear I’d been dreading and half-expecting to hear.

I gathered myself, straightening my back and ordering myself out of the headspace that was Owen rather than Master. Anything else would only complicate this even more. I turned the door handle, slowly opening the door. My eyes immediately found my brother. I faltered when I saw him there. My breath caught in a hiss, and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the way he held himself.

Adrian was waiting, kneeling naked on the floor, his toys and everything else we might need laid out neatly in front of him. He looked like a porn star or like he was in the start of a dirty movie, but the look in his eyes was more tender than any actor could fake. It was so damn incredible it made the words stick in my throat.

Adrian finally spoke, watching me in that quiet, almost loving, way. “I’m ready, Master.” Breathing was natural. Breathing was something my body did on its own. I didn’t have to remember to breathe — but fuck, it felt like it was impossible in that moment. I gaped for a moment longer, licking my lips. Then I stepped in and closed the door behind me, cutting us off from a world that would never understand and leaving us alone in his room.

Sanctuary. It took me a moment to remember what we’d discussed, and I strode farther in. I picked up the collar and gazed at him, though I didn’t allow my eyes to linger too long on his nude form. Not yet, not until I was sure that we were both ready to do this.

“Are you ready?” I asked, my voice steadier and quieter than it usually was. “Once the collar goes on, remember that your safe word is red. If you need me to slow down, tell me yellow. All right?”

“Yes, Master.” Adrian blinked up at me, then shifted a little. Was he trying to hide his hard-on or just uncomfortable kneeling? I wasn’t sure which. He blushed a little and finally glanced down at the floor. “I didn’t need them last time but with the tail…” His voice trailed off then he took a slow breath and looked up at me. “I want the tail, but it makes me nervous.”

I nodded. “Tell me if it gets to be too much.” The words weren’t a suggestion. They were an outright order. “You want to please me, don’t you? So make sure you’re comfortable. My pup doesn’t need to be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid of you.” The earnest words were almost too sweet. Maybe he should’ve been. I still didn’t know what I was doing beyond the little bit I’d toyed with before. This was nothing like my experimentation had been. This wasn’t a game, and I didn’t want to fuck it up. We weren’t in a BDSM club with guidance, or judgment for that matter, but I wanted this to be just right for both of us.


